What You Should Know About Dental Implants and Tooth Decay

July 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_dawoud @ 9:36 am
3D render of a dental implant

Dental implants are able to provide something incredible to people who are missing teeth. They can give back a lot of the bite force that you may have lost, providing strength and security while eating.

However, if you previously lost teeth due to decay, you may wonder if the same fate could befall your dental implant. As it turns out, there’s an interesting connection between dental implants and tooth decay. Here’s what you should know about it.

Can Dental Implants Get Cavities?

Tooth decay is a consequence of bacteria that secrete acids onto the enamel, eroding it over time. These bacteria consume sugars for food, which is why candy and other sweets can contribute to tooth decay if you aren’t careful.

The restoration on your dental implant is likely to be made out of porcelain which is much more resistant to acid erosion than natural enamel. As a result, tooth decay isn’t something you really have to worry about when it comes to dental implants.

What Can Pose A Threat To Dental Implants?

While cavities aren’t really a concern, there are things that can potentially compromise the integrity of your new tooth, especially if you’re lax with your dental hygiene.

The most prominent one is infection, particularly gum disease that has progressed far enough to attack the bone tissue holding the dental implant in place. This condition is known as peri-implantitis, and if it’s allowed to progress, your dental implant could fall out.

How to Prevent Dental Implant Infection

If you really want to keep your dental implants around for as long as possible, it’s crucial to take steps to prevent infection from setting in. Thankfully, that can be pretty easy. So long as you brush your teeth thoroughly each day and floss adequately, you should be more than able to keep infection at bay.

You should also make it a point to see your dentist at least twice a year. They’ll be able to clean in places that you can’t reach on your own, and can check on the integrity of your dental implant.

About Our Practice

At D&G Dental of West Orange, we are deeply committed to providing our patients with everything that they could possibly need to get their smiles back in order. We make use of the latest developments in oral medicine to ensure that everything we do is at the highest level that it can be and that we can exceed our patients’ every expectation.

If you have any questions about dental implants, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (973) 731-2200.

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