Dental Bridges — West Orange, NJ

Close the Gap in Your Smile

If you are missing one or more teeth, it is important that you take time to consider your options for closing the gap in your smile. Depending on the specifics of your situation, we might recommend that you receive a dental bridge. This type of restoration provides an efficient and sturdy way to recomplete a dental arch, provide strong chewing power, and improve your facial aesthetics. If you have questions about dental bridges or believe you could benefit from one, contact our West Orange, NJ, dental office.

Why Choose D&G Dental of West Orange for Dental Bridges?

  • Individually Designed for Each Patient
  • Highly Experienced & Skilled Team
  • Beautiful and Long Lasting Results

What Is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is a multi-unit tooth replacement restoration. Usually, a bridge has a crown on each end, which get attached to the teeth that surround an empty space (called the abutment teeth). One or more pontics (artificial teeth) span the gap between the crowns.

Dental bridges are often ideal for addressing mild to moderate tooth loss. They can be made out of various materials, including lifelike porcelain and ceramic.

Types of Dental Bridges

There are a few different types of dental bridges, each of which comes with its own unique advantages. When you visit us for your tooth replacement consultation, we will carefully consider your circumstances before we make any treatment recommendations. Depending on the extent of your tooth loss and other factors, we might advise you to get either a traditional dental bridge or an implant bridge.

Traditional Dental Bridges

A traditional dental bridge relies on the abutment teeth for support. The treatment process is fast (it usually takes just two appointments), and the results can last for 10 years or longer. Many budget-conscious individuals are happy to opt for a traditional dental bridge. The biggest downside to this treatment is that, in order to fit beneath their crowns, the abutment teeth must undergo some modifications.

Implant Bridges

Instead of relying on the remaining natural teeth for support, an implant bridge is anchored in the mouth via prosthetic tooth roots (dental implants). After the implants are surgically placed in the jaw, they bond with the surrounding bone. Then, they are able to provide an incredibly strong base for crowns and pontics.

The Benefits of Getting a Dental Bridge

Dental bridges offer several benefits:

  • They can prevent dental drift. A bridge can act as a placeholder that prevents your remaining natural teeth from drifting out of place.
  • They can look natural. Bridges made of porcelain are almost indistinguishable from natural teeth.
  • They are sturdy and durable. Bridges are strong enough that you should be able to eat virtually any food without worrying about how it will affect your restoration.

Are you eager to learn more about dental bridges? Book a consultation with our West Orange dental team today!