What to Eat Following Wisdom Tooth Extractions

May 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_dawoud @ 3:37 am
illustration of an impacted wisdom tooth

Indeed, it is true that not all wisdom teeth pose a threat. Those that have sufficient space to emerge correctly can be left untouched. Regrettably, the majority of wisdom teeth lack the necessary room, leading to complications when left untreated. Extracting impacted wisdom teeth is crucial, and it is advisable to consult a dentist promptly. Continue reading to learn about some adverse health effects caused by impacted wisdom teeth that validate the need for extraction.

Gum Disease

Due to their peculiar positioning, third molars often present challenges when it comes to proper oral hygiene. Their angled growth makes it difficult to effectively clean them, leading to the accumulation of debris and an increased risk of gum disease.

One common issue that arises is pericoronitis, which refers to inflammation of the gums surrounding a partially erupted tooth. If left untreated, this condition can escalate, spreading the infection to the surrounding gum tissue.

Tooth Decay & Damage

In addition to affecting the gums, plaque can also accumulate on the enamel of an impacted wisdom tooth. If left unaddressed, this plaque can solidify into stubborn tartar, making it difficult to remove.

Subsequently, the bacteria within the plaque can penetrate the enamel, leading to the formation of cavities. What’s more concerning is that these bacteria can also spread to neighboring teeth, causing cavities in those as well.

Cysts & Tumors

When a wisdom tooth fails to fully emerge, it can result in the accumulation of fluid within a sac surrounding it. This sac, known as a cyst, can exert pressure on the jaw, nerves, and neighboring teeth.

This pressure can lead to pain and, in severe cases, even jaw fractures. Furthermore, an untreated cyst can potentially develop into a tumor. If such a situation arises, it may be necessary to undergo the removal of tissue or bone from the jaw.

Why You Should See a Dentist for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

To prevent the aforementioned issues, it is advisable to have an impacted wisdom tooth extracted by a dentist. This treatment is an effective way to safeguard your oral health.

The process of wisdom tooth extraction is generally straightforward. Initially, the dentist will administer local anesthesia to numb the treatment area. Then, they will make an incision in the gum tissue to expose the tooth.

Subsequently, the tooth will be removed, either in its entirety or by dividing it into smaller sections. Following the extraction, the dentist will clean the area, suture the wound if necessary, and apply gauze as needed for healing.

About the Practice

At D&G Dental, we prioritize your dental needs and provide personalized preventive, cosmetic, and restorative treatments, including removal of impacted wisdom teeth. Our team of exceptionally skilled professionals delivers comprehensive care customized to meet your specific requirements. We are dedicated to delivering top-notch services to help you attain a healthy, pain-free smile that you truly deserve. To book an appointment or to gather more information about tooth extractions, reach out to D&G Dental at (973) 731-2200 or visit our website.

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