Your Dentist in West Orange Explains How to Find the Right Mouthwash

February 12, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_dawoud @ 10:30 pm

bottle of blue mouthwash white topGiven that February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, you want to make the correct decisions about dental care for the whole family. And in the area of oral hygiene – more specifically mouthwash – you’re not sure how to make the right decisions. Thankfully, your dentist in West Orange will weigh in on the subject and provide information on how different types of mouthwash work so that you can maximize the oral health of your household.

What is Mouthwash?

The first thing to establish about mouthwash is that it functions as a supplement to your main oral hygiene habits of brushing and flossing your teeth. This is quite important to establish so that it won’t be misconstrued as being a substitute.

Now that we’re clear on that, let’s look at how it functions. It serves three main purposes:

  • To freshen breath
  • To moisten your mouth
  • To rid your mouth of bacteria (if it’s an anti-bacterial)

The Different Types of Mouthwash Available

Before choosing a mouthwash, take into consideration the current oral health of yourself and the members of your family. So below you’ll find the different options available so that you can decide what best fits everybody’s needs:

  • Bad Breath – If you have mild-to-moderate bad breath, you may use a cosmetic mouthwash to mask the odor, but if the smell becomes severe and isn’t caused by consuming certain foods or drinks, you could have greater a problem that needs to be diagnosed by your family dentist in West Orange.
  • Dry Mouth – If you suffer from dry mouth, it’s best to avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol because they will only worsen the situation. Consult with your dentist about using an alcohol-free substitute.
  • Gingivitis (Gum Disease) – If you are suffering from gingivitis or gum disease, your oral expert may prescribe a strong mouthwash for you to take containing a compound called chlorhexidine, an antiseptic that kills bacteria.
  • Sensitivity – Tooth sensitivity can be a sign of enamel damage, which translates into pain sensations caused by extreme temperature changes. In such cases, look for mouthwashes that can anesthetize or strengthen your tooth enamel and dentin.
  • Children’s Oral Care – One way to celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month is to choose a mouthwash that is alcohol free so that your children can use it and begin practicing ways to engage in excellent oral health. Please note, though, that mouthwash is not recommended for kids under the age of six.

So as you set out on your quest to enhance the oral health of the whole family, keep these tips in mind, and remember to reach out to your local professional to get the ultimate family dentistry in West Orange care that you desire and need.

About the Author

Dr. Medhat Dawoud earned his dental degree from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and continues to expand his knowledge by attending such seminars as the recent Implant Global Conference held in Las Vegas, NV. A member of the Academy of General Dentistry, Dr. Dawoud practices at D & G Dental and can be reached for more information through his website.


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